A Complete Guide to Understanding Pay Per Click Advertising

With the continuous advancement in technology, new ideas and techniques are coming up to help businesses reach more people. One of the fields in this techno era is online marketing, in which businesses publish their products and services online to grab the attention of the right people.

According to statistics published by Statista.com, there are 4.66 billion internet users worldwide, of which 4.32 billion people use the internet via mobile devices. This stat shows 92% of all internet searches come from mobile users. Due to this, marketing campaigns must be mobile-friendly.

What is PPC?

PPC (Pay Per Click) is a simple marketing method in which advertisers pay when someone clicks on their ad. Essentially, it is a quick method to get more clicks and site visits. Google is the most popular search engine where advertisers bid on a keyword and display their ads to people who are searching using a similar keyword.

Let’s look at an example; you want to learn dance and search for online dance classes. The search results with “Ad” written in bold come via an online ad campaign run by a company. These ads are ranked according to the bidding amount, auction time, search relevance, ad threshold, as well as competition for that keyword and demographics (age, device and location). However, there are different factors that determine the effectiveness of a PPC ad campaign, such as keyword research, organizing keywords, creating ad groups and optimizing landing pages.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads

Google Ads is an online advertising platform offered by Google where an advertiser creates and manages their ad campaigns. The advertisements run through Google Ads are shown in search engine results and other properties related to or owned by Google.

Google works on the PPC model where ads are shown based on their relevance, quality and bidding amount. The ad rank is determined by multiplying CPC (Cost per Click) and the quality score (quality score is determined by CTR, relevance and landing page quality). Google Ads have a set of tools in that allow you to track your spending, research new keywords and check ad positioning.

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a free analytic tool that allows you to track each and every aspect of the website, such as ads, organic searches, devices and demographics.

What is Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows you to add, change and update the tags in the website without changing the source code. In addition, it helps you track activities on your website.

5 PPC strategies

To market to the right audience, many PPC companies in India use these 5 strategies to get the most out of their PPC marketing campaigns:

  • Multiple platforms
    PPC is a great way to advertise your products and place them in front of the right audience, but it shouldn’t be the only platform where you run ads or have a presence. Another popular way to market your business and tell the world about you is using social media, YouTube and other profiles where most people spend their time.
  • Remarketing campaign
    A remarketing strategy is an active, powerful way of promoting your business and is used by the best PPC companies in India. With a remarketing strategy, your ads are shown to people who have interacted with your website. This is powerful because when people are shown your ad again, they are 70% more likely to make a purchase. You can create a different audience group in Google Analytics based on their time on the page, demographics, interest, devices and page views.
  • Add an ad extension
    An ad extension is an extra CTA button with the advertisement. It becomes easy to drive more traffic to your website and encourage them to take a particular action. Following are the most popular extensions used:
  • Message extension
    A message extension allows users to directly send a message to you or your teammates and chat with them. You can set up a person or an automated responder to respond to messages.
  • Call extension
    Call extension adds your number or call button to make it easy for people to contact your business. It works well for service-providing businesses.
  • Price extension
    Price extension is an ad extension that provides users with additional information about the product, the details, prices and other options. If you own an e-commerce store, this extension is a must for you.
  • Compelling ad copy
    Ad copy is the written words that encourage a person to take a certain option. Ad copy is an important part of a PPC marketing strategy. A finely written ad and an interesting graphic hooks the user and encourages them to click on the ad. To create powerful ad copy, follow these tips:
  • Be precise with what you are offering.
  • Include every unique detail in the ad.
  • Focus on the benefits, what you can offer them.
  • Have compelling headlines.
  • Have a clear CTA.
  • Use A/B testing
    A/B testing is a powerful way to test different ad sets and analyze which ads are performing well. A/B testing provides you with valuable data, such as audience report, interest, demographics and location. This is not a popular method among most businesses but many top marketers, such as Neil Patel, say it is a great way to learn more about your customer’s interests and desires.

Ads analyze

How to do keyword research?

Keyword research is an extensive process and acts as the backbone of the PPC ad campaign. The correct keyword will put you in front of a wider audience and send quality traffic to your website, thereby improving your website rankings, ad rankings and domain authority. To do deep keyword research, make sure you these three things are to be kept under check:

  • Relevance
    Any keyword that you want your ads to rank for needs to be relevant to the topic of search and to your products. You wouldn’t want to pay for traffic that has no interest in your business.
  • Comprehensive
    Your keyword should not be limited to broad terms, many long-tail keywords are specific and have low competition which makes them cheap and effective keyword.
  • Continuously expanding
    PPC campaigns are dynamic and require continuous adjustments and tweaking from time to time to maintain their effectiveness. You can run more ad campaigns that target a particular keyword which expands your PPC campaigns.

How to manage your PPC campaigns

Once you start running PPC campaigns, they require proper management to be effective. To ensure their effectiveness, keep a watch on the following:

  • Add long-tail keywords
    Long-tail keywords alone do not provide high traffic but they have a compounding effect that slowly adds up the quality traffic.
  • Negative keyword
    Negative keywords are those words for which you don’t want your ads to rank. For example, If you deal in high-end furniture, you wouldn’t want to rank for keywords such as “cheap furniture”. You can add them and other non-converting keywords to negatives and save the ad spent.
  • Refine landing pages
    Landing pages are where your leads become your customer. If you have a great PPC ad campaign that has a massive CTR (Click-through Rate) but your landing page has a poor copy that would waste all your effort. Instead, create a different landing page that aligns with the keywords and improves overall conversion.
  • Review keywords
    Keep a check on how all keywords are performing and invest, shut or reduce spend accordingly.
  • Split ad groups
    Having different ad groups will allow you to keep track of the performance of the keywords and make necessary changes.

This is a brief guide on PPC that will allow you to set up and start your first ever PPC ad campaign with the 5 secrets of the best PPC companies in India. If you want to improve your business and rank before your ideal customer you can choose to do all the work or hire the best PPC company in India. Contact Live Deftsoft Informatics to start building your digital business.

Sonu Singh

Sonu Singh is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert at 4SEOHELP. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.

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